
The Ongo­ing Bat­tle Over Nazi-Loot­ed Art

- Jewish Book Council

It was June 1991; back then I was a young jour­nal­ist just out of grad­u­ate school. I was assigned by my edi­tor at a women’s mag­a­zine to cov­er an exhib­it at the Art Insti­tute of Chica­go called, ​“Degen­er­ate Art: The Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Ger­many.” When I walked into the muse­um, my breath caught in my throat and chills cov­ered my arms; I knew I was not just report­ing any sto­ry, I had found my sto­ry — the one that would for­ev­er change the course of my career and become a part of my soul. I would soon piv­ot from jour­nal­ist to author and art lover, con­duct­ing obses­sive research bent on expos­ing a top­ic that is still front-page news near­ly eighty years after the Holocaust…

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Posted in News & Other Writings on Feb 22, 2022